Friday, December 29, 2006


i'd like to get some scrapping done.
i got some neat stuff for Christmas.
i need to have some pictures made,
and decide where i'm going to set up
all my scrapping stuff and my computer.

i'm seriously considering breaking down our guest bed and making that a full-on scrapping room.

i got these really cool little 'org' things at Target in the $1 shop...although they were in the $2.50 section.
i can't wait to get them all set up and put to good use!

She got a camera...

for Christmas.
69 pictures later, this is my favorite.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ad challenges...

i 've been seeing them everywhere!!
so funny, because i've been saving ads for years because the 'layout' is appealing when i look at them and i think, 'that would be a great SB page.'
anyway, when i saw this ad, naturally i thought, well you know...
and this one...its not the entire ad, but i didn't want to mess with multiple scans (its a DPS).
so, get inspired!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

self portrait Tuesday...

a reflection while in the snow.